Sunday, 25 November 2007

Relaxation - 9th post

Good day, all

This time I would like to do what Maddy told us in class about choosing one word with different font displays.

Today, I am a little tired. This week and next week, I have 3 assignments and 1 midterm exam. I wanna to be crazy. Can I survive after these two weeks? Maybe yes, I hope.

What I really really want to have now is the "luxurious" word: Relaxation

Here is the first font I choose: Brush Script Std Mediur
When looking at this display, I can feel a little relaxed. The reason is that it is italic form and is a sans serif font. It means it does not look too formal.

The 2nd font I choose is Giddyup Std

Oh, I really like this font. It is so cute, so nice and so pleasant. Another type of sans serif font. The way how it was written makes me feel that I am gonna to have a nice holiday at the beach.
I should give up everything and do it now?

This is my final choice with the font Mesquite Std Medium

How can I feel less stressed when seeing this ugly pattern. It is too formal like a cautious, warning message. It scares me. I want to be crazy now with this font. Really messed up.

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